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Selenite is perfect for all types of energy cleansing. It is one of the the very few minerals that has the ability to quickly unblock stagnant energy and remove negative energy. Selenite stones also greatly magnify the energy of anything that is placed upon them. Wearing this 14kt gold filled nickel free and lead free chain. great for  Mental Clarity, Psychic, Angels, Cleansing, Protects, Healing  Selenite pendant, edged in gold along the top and on a custom length gold filled chain. Selenite is a crystallized form of gypsum. The name Selenite comes from the Greek word for moon and means “moon glow," and these Selenite Wands do glow with a shimmery, pearl-like luster.The powerful vibration of Selenite opens the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. Selenite calms and brings deep peace. Selenite brings mental clarity, clearing confusion and revealing the bigger picture behind problems. It will maintain peace and harmony in your sphere, at any given time. Wear to see and feel the difference.Selenite is said to reverse the effects of “free radicals" to heal and repair on the cellular level.Selenite is a soft mineral, and should be kept dry. DO NOT wet the crystal.

Crystal Healing Selenite Pendant Blade Necklace

$14.99 Regular Price
$10.94Sale Price
Excluding Sales Tax
  • No fefunds or returns, if your item is amged contact me directly immediately .

  • No refunds or returns,  DO NOT wet the crystal. or emerse in liguids. If your items is damges while deliverd, please contaact me drectly. 


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